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Boo! Greedy Kid

About The There's a new punk kid in the house! In "Boo! Greedy Kid", you play as a small brat who's so into soda that he doesn't blink an eye before wreaking havoc to get his favorite drink. Go frighten people in order to grab their money and buy drinks! How greedy! Play with your own voice through one hundred levels to get to the ultimate soda treasure, but be aware of the cops coming your way to stop your greediness.

Go frighten people in order to grab their money and buy drinks! In "Boo! Greedy Kid", you play as a small brat who's so into soda that he doesn't blink an eye before wreaking havoc to get his favorite drink. There's a new punk kid in the house! How greedy! Play with your own voice through one hundred levels to get to the ultimate soda treasure, but be aware of the cops coming your way to stop your greediness.

Software > Video Game Software > PC Games

Boo! Greedy Kid

Software > Video Game Software > PC Games

Specifications of Boo! Greedy Kid

CategorySoftware > Video Game Software

Last Updated

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Rating :- 8.55 /10
Votes :- 61